Even though chiropractors and massage therapists offer different forms of treatment for potentially similar physical issues, these two practitioners aren’t necessarily in competition. In fact, many chiropractors will recommend that their patients visit a massage therapist either before or after a chiropractic adjustment. If you’re seeking chiropractic care to relieve pain, it’s possible that your chiropractor will refer you to a massage therapist who may not be far away — in many cases, massage therapists and chiropractors will work out of the same clinic.…
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Dealing with Veterans Affairs (VA) hospitals and clinics can be a far bigger chore than their private sector counterparts. Sure, they’re free for disability-related conditions or even if you’re putting in a claim to get disability in the first place, but the wait times and systematic problems can turn your medical visits into an ordeal that isn’t worth the savings. There’s a safe way out; private sector physical therapists can help you get the disability claim evidence and referral paperwork necessary, and a few details about VA-to-private sector interactions can help you get the most out of the deal.…
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If you have diabetes and your feet feel numb, you may have peripheral neuropathy. The first thing you should do is to see your doctor for treatment. While you are waiting for your appointment, below is some information about this so you can understand better of what is going on with your feet.
Peripheral Neuropathy
If you do not control your diabetes and have high blood sugar, it can cause never damage in your feet.…
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